Adding text to photos
In the right hand corner under artwork and effects click on the “T” icon and it will bring up the text options. I chose to do ‘Outline” but you can choose to do any you like. I double clicked in that box which created a new text layer. With the text layer chosen you will see more options for your text across the tool bar at the top. You can choose the colors, size, style and font there. In the middle of your picture you will see the words “your text here” double click on the word and a cursor will appear (you will have to delete the words “your text here”.)

Now you ready to type your message.
Next you will want to take the mouse and starting at
the beginning of the word highlight it all the way
across. Then move the mouse just outside of the
highlight and select it. This allows you to move
your text anywhere on the page you would like.
Once you are satisfied with the look of your photo
select “Layer” from the toolbar then “flatten image”
this merges all the layers into one layer and allows
the image to be saved easier. Now you have a fun
photo with text for your next scrapbook page. You
can repeat these steps if you want to add more
words. Have fun and I can’t wait to see what you create!
Great tip Carrie!!
That's a much better way than how I was doing it! Great tip!
Great tip! There's so much I'd like to learn how to do with Photoshop...thanks!
I am loving these photoshop tips!
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